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Buy an item and you are in the HOME INCOME BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY program! You can make up to $19,755.00 in the Referral Income Matrix! You get all these and  MORE by helping to promote it part-time!

Referral Income Matrix (unlimited width)

                EACH LEVEL         ON EACH SALE           AS YOU REACH EACH LEVEL

1            5                              RM6.00 (US$2.40)         RM30.00 (US$12.00)
2            25                            RM4.00 (US$1.60)         RM130.00 (S$52.00)
3           125                           RM2.00 (US$0.80)         RM380.00 (US$152.00)
4           625                           RM1.00 (US$0.40)         RM1,005.00 (US$402.00)
5           3125                         RM1.00 (US$0.40)         RM4,130.00 (US$1,652.00)
6          15625                        RM1.00 (US$0.40)         RM19,755.00 (US$7,902.00)

YOUR POSSIBLE EARNINGS (From Your Investment in Just One Item):  RM19,755.00 (US$7,902.00)!!!

Can any other sales program or business opportunity allow you to make up to RM19,530.00 for just buying one badly-needed product at its usual selling price?


1.      Your target is to sell five books/products/services/items to five people in six months.
2.    So your downline grows automatically by 5... 25...125... 625... 3125...15625 at the 6th Level!
3.    We build downline for you in single Matrix.
4.    To join, buy one book/item at least.
5.    To make money, distribute this commission circular to your friends and other  people.
6.    Your membership is valid for six months. To continue in the program, just buy any one of the items listed in this circular or the Program's PRODUCTS LIST given with your order.
7.    Buy as many items as you want, sponsor as many Dealers as you like, sell as many items as you want to make money. Every item you buy or sell will MAKE MONEY FOR YOU.






Now, you, too, can tap in on the mysterious power of the pyramid which has helped thousands of people. This is the secret power which has fascinated governments, scientists, occultists, and wealth-seekers.

In this book, Van Gogh shows you how to make your own mini pyramid using easily available materials. Then, you learn how to put its energy patterns to work for you through a series of techniques applied to the problems of life. "Pyramid Power" can make you a winner in riches, love, LOTTERIES, and in life. Learn how to preserve food, sharpen razor blades, stay healthy, promote growth, meditate, and enjoy peace of mind.

Book #EM390 .......................... RM57 (US$15)

Product 2.


This is an outstanding manual for personal success with a new way of thinking and doing things. It contains a wealth of unique and creative ideas and techniques to develop your mind power and bring out the 'genius' in you. Everything you need to succeed is in this book by Van Gogh. He knows what he is talking about and writes from experience. His writing style is so easy that reading this book is a joy. A book of rare practical knowledge that you will want to keep by your side for many years. An indispensable guide to succeeding in life as an individual, and as part of a group. An extraordinary book based on 30 years of research, study and experiment. Revealing the most potent of occult secrets for success and happiness. 

What can this extraordinary book do for you? Wealth? Love? Health? Protection? Security? Peace of Mind? Friendship? Respect? You name it, and you will achieve it. The techniques are extraordinarily powerful and yet so simple that an average person can follow. Use them. Change your circumstances. Here is revealed the true key to accomplishing great deeds in life. You will be astounded once you apply the easy-to-understand ideas.

Protect yourself and loved ones from harm. A comprehensive range of occult ideas, techniques and strategies to help you overcome problems and achieve so much more. The formula is so simple that you can start using it the same day. This book makes sense and is specially written to enrich the lives of those who read it. Whatever your problem, the powerful unorthodox ideas will motivate and guide you to solving them.
You can defeat your difficult circumstances!

You can overcome poverty! You can be the person you want to be. You can make yourself irresistible and admired. You can make anyone do anything!
Book #EM735.............................RM76 (US$20)




This is a book on how to succeed in playing games of chance, lotteries, and life, generally. If you gamble - who doesn't? - you will need this book. It makes for fascinating reading. Short and simple. Easy to understand and oh, so relevant to one's situation!

Anyone who's ever lived knows how challenging life can be. Read this book.  Be inspired. Never short of good ideas. Anyone can benefit tremendously.

If you'd like to receive the HIGH VALUABLE personalized report on you, please provide the required details below. This book costs the same whether you get the free analytical report or not!

BONUS: Order this book today and you will receive FREE a personalized report giving you your personal numbers for lotteries. Your numbers are gathered from psychic impressions using the same secret ‘Pendulumic’ power techniques that has won many lottery prizes!

This is a personalized report - one-of-a-kind that is specially made for each customer of our book. 

No two reports are the same. Get your own personal lucky number forecast of one 1-digit, 2-digits, 3-digits, 4-digits, 5-digits, 6-digits and 7-digits numbers today. Your personal Report also include your good and bad dates for any form of speculation based on  Astrological and Numerological considerations.

We service all countries. Please specify the game or lottery in your state or country that you are interested in playing. The numbers forecasted will be targeted toward your selected lottery or game of chance. Now... you too can win in playing the 4-digits, 3-digits, Toto, Lotto, horse-racing, lotteries and games of chance! 

Our personalized report will contain detailed analysis, comments, suggestions for success, and the forecasted 1-digit, 2-digits, 3-digits, 4-digits, 5-digits, 6-digits and 7-digits numbers for your selected specific lottery, lotto or toto. It will be sent to you discreetly by a plain unmarked envelope.

To order, please use the "Order Form or click the Buy Now button" and give the following additional information via email (or we cannot complete your FREE analysis): Your full name, Your best known name, Birth date, Birth time (If the birth-time is not known, write it as 12 p.m.), and Present Job. 

BONUS: Order now and receive an informative Jupiter report on your luck cycles. A lot of work is involved in preparing your special personalized report. It is a BONUS item as our way of saying "Thank You" for supporting our new book. 

We are offering the LOTTERY NUMBERS FORECAST book at the Special Introductory Price of only RM57 or US$15! You get the FREE lottery numbers analysis worth RM95 (US$25)!
#A1002................................ RM57 (US$15)




Do you want to influence the important things in your life - someone or something? Amazingly simple and effective techniques for you to work with the natural forces of the universe are now available in this book!

Now you can trade the shackles of a life of bad luck, failures and dissatisfaction for a joyful and richer life. The powers of the conic configuration are explained. Learn how to use its occult secrets for your success.

There’s nothing like it on the market. Learn how to use the cosmic energies of the cone pattern to relax, visualise, concentrate, solve personal problems, foretell the future, deflect adverse influences, promote healing, dominate others. Win lotteries and attract love.
Book #EM170..........................RM57 (US$15)




Improve your chances of winning anything with the power of Astrology and Numerology. Discover your lucky hours, days, years and numbers for contests, sweeps, bingo, horse or dog races, casino, real estate, stock market speculation, football sweeps, poker, bridge, gin rummy and other card & gambling games. 

This big 8x11 book shows you how to combine your own judgment with the laws of Astrology and the laws of Numerology that regulate the Universe. Achieve a greater winning success by attempting to win at an opportune and correct time. 

Succeed in speculation whether it be for pleasure, business, real estate, stock market contests, sweepstakes, lotteries, horse races, etc. Order Today! One of the most useful books you can find to help you to win in many of life's situations, jobs, love, relationship, home, friendship, career, leisure, work, health, contests, sweeps, bingo, poker, bridge, gin rummy and other card & gambling games.
#1702 ................................ RM30.40 (US$8)




Are you unsuccessful? Unhappy? Confused? Sick? Lazy? Tell us your problems. This very good 88 pages book "SOLVE ALL PROBLEMS" can help you to solve your problem even when all others have failed. You need not be poor, sad, frustrated, sickly or lazy again!

Through the spiritual, the occult and the metaphysical, we solve problems. A Magickal Prayers Service will be performed secretly on your behalf for 60 days to bless and help you succeed in life. No one will know about it. No inconvenience to you. All persons of all faiths can subscribe to our magickal prayers services. 

You don’t have to join any organization or do any ritual. This is a non-sectarian service to help individuals succeed in life. No other payment needed. Nothing else for you to do. Just read this GREAT BOOK, believe and be patient. Amazing results can happen. You can: 

  • Pass your exams 
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  • Get the job you want 
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 Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing is too good to happen for you.

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To order for this special service,  you must be clear and specific about your problem. Send: (1) Your full name, address, birth date, birth time, (2) full details of your problem in your own handwriting, (3) your photo (this is optional). All information is kept confidential.

Order now. Price: RM76 (US$20) for each specific problem. For two problems, send RM152 (US$40). YOU RECEIVE: A Special Report, twoTalismans specially made for you, the popular Magickal Service, the great 88 pages book! Read the book! It's VERY VERY GOOD!!!
#A1008........................................RM76  (US$20)